The Avanzando Through College (ATC) program is a collaboration with UNIDOS US, aimed at providing Latino students with the skills, information, and support systems that are needed to identify student services, improve academic performance, and graduate from college. The program offers monthly workshops that focus on relevant topics identified by researchers, practitioners, and students being essential to college retention and success among Latino students. Avanzando Through College supports first-generation, Latino students in their first and second years of college by providing them with tools, knowledge, and support necessary to successfully navigate the higher education system with the main goal of graduating with a bachelor’s degree. Avanzando Through College is open to all Arizona Universities and Colleges. Last year, Amistades goal was to recruit 30 students; mainly freshmen and sophomore students. At the end of the program, Amistades was able to graduate 35 students. This upcoming school year of 2021-2022, Amistades goal is to recruit at least 40 students.