Portfolio Category: current

500 Years of Chicano History

The "500 Years of Chicano History" is a relatively new program, meticulously crafted by and for the vibrant Latino community of Southern Arizona, and represents a groundbreaking educational initiative tailored for both secondary and college-level history courses. Its inception stems from a profound commitment to enriching instructional content by infusing it with authentic lived experiences...
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CARAS de Esperanza

CARAs de Esperanza is a dynamic prevention program, backed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), with a specific focus on the Latino youth demographic. It operates on the principle of community-centered healing practices, aiming to educate and prevent the misuse of prescription medications, opioids, and psychostimulants. The program's objectives are twofold: first, to diminish...
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Civics for All

Civics for All, generously funded by UnidosUS, emerges as a pioneering initiative aimed at nurturing civically aware and engaged families. The program's core mission revolves around fostering households that not only serve as beacons of civic participation for their school-aged children but also as catalysts for systemic transformation within their communities. At its heart lies...
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The ConeXiones grant program represents a culmination of successful grassroots coalition efforts in Cochise County, leveraging these achievements to pioneer an innovative binational community approach aimed at effectively combating psychostimulant and poly-drug abuse within the complex border region. Collaborating closely with the Mayahuel Prevention Consortium II, a countywide coalition formed through the amalgamation of various...
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Cultivando Montes Brillantes

Amistades unveils a transformative initiative, Cultivando Mentes Brillantes, aimed at empowering Latino families and caregivers of students with learning differences. This groundbreaking program is meticulously designed to cater to the unique needs of this community, offering a series of comprehensive sessions geared towards equipping participants with the essential tools and information to champion their children's...
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El Renacimiento

El Renacimiento, part of the Mayahuel Prevention Consortium and supported by SAMHSA's Strategic Prevention Framework Partnership grant, stands as a vital initiative designed specifically for Chicano/Mexican American youth aged 12 to 20. At its core, the program aims to instill a profound understanding of heritage, history, and identity within this demographic. By delving into indigenous...
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Familia Adelante

The Familia Adelante Program is a comprehensive initiative designed to provide targeted support to at-risk Latino youth aged 10-14 and their families within the communities served by three Tucson school districts: Sunnyside Unified School District, Tucson Unified School District, and Chicanos Por La Causa schools. Recognizing the multifaceted challenges faced by these families, the program...
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Justicia Juntos

Justicia Juntos (Justice Together) is a fresh initiative aimed at assisting Latino communities in Tucson, Arizona, particularly in southern Tucson, in coping with extreme heat. The program encompasses three primary objectives:
  1. Formation of a coalition comprising environmentally conscious advocates to discuss the impact of heat on families and work towards an inclusive environmental plan in...
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The Aztec Prevention Model addresses the historical, political, and cultural development of alcohol among the Aztecs and the collapse of their social structure after the Spanish conquest. Participants become familiar with Aztec social norms about drinking, examples of daily life and alcohol use, and the social policies and consequences of public intoxication. The...
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Latino Opioid Consortium

Amistades, Inc. seeks to expand and increase access to Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) services for opioid use disorder to address medically underserved Latino communities; ensure timely treatment engagement for those with dual-diagnosis, and support individuals with OUD re-entering the community following incarceration, through an existing consortium of health/behavioral health providers in Pinal County, Cochise County,...
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